State Formation & Capacity: How would you assess the state capacity of Brazil?


Format: It must also include at least two citations from the course readings and at least five citations from outside sources AND at least one illustrative graph. • Please note that this is a research paper and thus will require an introduction that summarizes your argument(s) and a conclusion that either discusses the main implications of your argument(s) or areas for further research (e.g., additional research questions).
Citations: This assignment requires citations. In this course, we require that you use some kind of in-text citation (parenthetical or footnote) and some kind of works cited/references page when you complete an assignment in which you use the ideas of other people. • You can use any citation style (APA, MLA, etc.), we only ask that you use some kind of citation style that includes relevant information like the author name, date, and title of the source. Just copying and pasting a link with no other information is not proper citation. USE APA
Answer the questions below in the paper:

I. State Formation & Capacity: How would you assess the state capacity of Brazil? Is it a strong state or weak state? Does it have a high or low level of state capacity? What measure(s) do you use to determine state capacity and why? Be specific!

II. Level of Democracy & Regime Change: How do theories of regime change apply to Brazil? If it is a stable democratic or authoritarian regime, what factors best explain the regime’s durability? If it has experienced regime change – either from a democratic to authoritarian regime or the reverse – what factors account for or contributed to this transition? (i.e., What theories help you explain the regime change?)
III. Institutions: What is Madison’s Dilemma and what are the main ways Brazil has tried to address this dilemma? You can focus on any of the four types of institutions we discussed in class:
Unitarism vs Federalism
Parliamentary supremacy vs Judicial review
Separation vs Fusion of Exec.-Legis. Powers (Presidential vs. Parliamentary systems)

Elections based on Majoritarian vs Proportional representation
Would you argue that Brazil has made the appropriate choice, given the pros and cons of different systems?
please find 5-7 articles/journals that would be good for this paper and answer the questions above.

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