Discuss the side effects that THIS patient might encounter after receiving this medication, as well as what to do should they occur.

Case: Trina Pullman is a 24-year old female with a history of hypothyroidism, with a 3-month history of persistent vomiting, followed by the gastroenterology service, thought to have gastritis based on the upper endoscopy report. She continued to have vomiting and weight loss, presented to the emergency department, found to be hypotensive, tachycardic and thin. … Read more

After watching the video, respond to the following prompts: Write two paragraphs in your own words and do not use Chat GPT or plagiarize.

After watching the video, respond to the following prompts: Write two paragraphs in your own words and do not use Chat GPT or plagiarize. Based on the specific information in this video, what is the stigma surrounding mental illness and what are some of the costs to society? Have you ever observed stigma against people … Read more

What are the primary symptoms that led to the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis in this case? What are the typical endoscopic findings in a patient with ulcerative colitis?

Please review the following case study by clicking on teach of the tabs below. Read all of the information carefully. After reviewing this patient’s information, write a 5-page paper that answers all of the questions listed below. Patient Information: Name: Anna Age: 25 years old Gender: Female Chief Complaint: Persistent bloody diarrhea for the past … Read more

Develop a hospital-wide initiative that promotes Qi engagement and skill development by nurses

Quality Improvement Initiative Quality Improvement (QI) Initiative Project Description: You are an advanced practice nurse (APN) leader at a local non-profit community hospital, St. Mary’s General Hospital (this is a created hospital system and not meant to be associated with any real hospital system). You have been approached by your Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) as … Read more

Discuss a favorite nursing theorist, why you like them, and how their philosophy resonates with you professionally.

Discuss a favorite nursing theorist, why you like them, and how their philosophy resonates with you professionally. (Image – Banner Depicting Various Levels of Nursing Theory Displayed in an Inverted Triangle) This week, we will begin our journey into nursing theory by learning about nursing theorists and how these concepts apply to practice. #1: Initial … Read more

Describe the intervention in detail, including the location and format of the one-time, four-hour event. Provide evidence from research and literature to support the effectiveness of the intervention.

ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW: In this assignment, you will conduct a windshield survey of a selected community and develop a targeted intervention proposal based on your observations and data collection. You will focus on a specific public health issue from the assigned topics and propose a one-time, four-hour health event intervention to address the identified need. This … Read more