Discuss how you envision incorporating your learning about this group experience into your nursing practice in one paragraph.

Complete this assignment following the steps below. Attend a live diverse group experience that you have not encountered before. Experiences may include but are not limited to the list below. Any experience not listed must receive faculty approval prior to attending. Attend a “never-before-experienced” religious service different from your own affiliation (e.g., church, temple, mosque, … Read more

Choose one of these questions to answer for your paper. Note: you need to read and use the specific question posted in the textbook.

CONTENT INFORMATION AND REQUIREMENTS This paper will be a two- to three-page essay in which you explore one of the topics in the Appendices section of our textbook by answering a specific question about it based on your own knowledge of and opinion about the topic. You do not need to do research for this … Read more

Identify each of the following lesson components:

A. Create a standards-based elementary (grades K–6) disciplinary-specific literacy lesson plan. The lesson plan must integrate writing instruction and digital literacy within a specific discipline area for a specified grade level. All elements of the lesson plan must be aligned. Use the attached ” Direct Instruction Lesson Plan ” to do the following: Note: Parts … Read more

Discuss any unique insight or perspective offered from the literature. Provide speaker notes.

Title Slide Introduction (1 slide): Slide should identify concepts to be addressed and sections of the presentation. Include speaker’s notes that explain, in more detail, what will be covered. Practice Issue (1-3 slides): Describe the area of interest and practice issue/problem related to NP practice selected in week 2. Explain why the issue/concern is important … Read more