Explain the purpose of an Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Week 5-Module 5 – Case Research Ethics and the Institutional Research Board (IRB) Use the information provided in the readings to write a 5- to 7-page paper that discusses the ethical considerations for Descriptive Research Methods (Non-Experimental), Action Research and Participatory Methods, and Mixed Methods research designs. Explain the purpose of an Institutional Review Board … Read more

Select one of the three recommended cases listed below, identifying the problem or issue detailed in the case as the basis for your strategic analysis and development.

Overview This course has four assignments. Assignments 1 through 3 focus on preparing you for the fourth capstone assignment and accompanying PowerPoint presentation. In each assignment, you will apply the skills, experience, and knowledge gained from completing prerequisite program courses. You will use the same company case study for each assignment so that your capstone … Read more

Reflect on this scripture, and consider the question, “What is your strategy to make yourself into a tool upon which GOD can build a competitive advantage?”

THIS IS A TWO-TIER DISCUSSION AND SHOULD BE TREATED INDEPENDENTLY ACCORDING TO THEIR PECULIAR SPECIFICATIONS. Discussion Board 3-1: Faith Integration (1 page) It has been said that strategy is nothing more than preparing an organization today to be successful tomorrow. What are you doing today to prepare yourself to be successful tomorrow in Christ? God … Read more

Assess how the team failed to adjust the processes to adopt the new change.

Evaluation is critical to understand why current processes are designed the way they are. However, once implemented, many organizations and project teams fail to revisit the purpose and effectiveness of those processes and the delivery life cycle those processes support. This failure inevitably highlights processes that have become inefficient and tedious. In this assessment, evaluate … Read more

From an internal perspective, what are the potential consequences of having a pay structure that is out of line relative to those of your competitors?

First, review the module resources and consider the following scenario: You have been asked to evaluate whether your organization’s current pay structure makes sense in view of what competing organizations are paying. In your initial post to the discussion, address the following: How would you determine what organizations to compare your organization with? From an … Read more

Business Finance – Accounting Personal Skills Inventory Writing Assignment

Personal Skills Inventory: Based on your experience developing a research proposal for this course, discuss what you see as your areas of strength and opportunities for development. Submit a 5-page paper outlining your personal skills inventory. Describe any challenges that you encountered in your research process for each section. How did you overcome them? Discuss … Read more

Business and Economics-Explain how asking these two questions would help the client in coming up with the solution. Page 520 is in the upload. Solution-focused model/theory is the topic. P.S. You can use one of the case studies.

In 1–2 sentences, briefly identify and describe the problem as perceived by the client, family, or group that you dealt with in your past fieldwork or professional experience. From the list of solution-focused questions on page 520 (e.g., exception questions, coping questions, scaling questions, and relationship questions), identify two different types of questions. Ask each … Read more

Choose a company that reflects your technology or industry sector interests. It can be US or international.

Before making any investments, investors at venture capital firms write an investment committee memorandum (aka IC Memo or Investment Memo) to make a case for a company they want the firm to invest in. With this exercise, you will be required to pick an early-stage company of your choice (which was provided above) and write … Read more