Consider a time that you felt confident. How would you describe this in behavioral terms?

Consider a time that you felt confident. How would you describe this in behavioral terms? Carefully use Skinner’s analysis of “feeling” confident and outline possible contingencies to explain your “confidence”. (Note: You must include ALL required readings for this week and include 1 outside reference to earn full credit! Also remember you must respond to … Read more

Compare and contrast Ebooks vs. Paper Textbooks

Compare and contrast Ebooks vs. Paper Textbooks or Compare and contrast between Apple or Google Pixel or Compare and contrast between Animal Testing vs. Alternative Methods Follow an APA format. Create a Title page and use headings for your five-paragraph essay. At least include two citations from the Miami Regional University Library database to defend … Read more

Consider the importance to integrating cultural assessments into mental health evaluation and care.

Cultural Congruent Approach In Mental Health Care Instructions: Consider the importance to integrating cultural assessments into mental health evaluation and care. Also, discuss how providing culturally congruent care to mental health patients, could help to reduce stigma. Submission Instructions: Contribute a minimum of 500 words for your initial post. It should include at least 3 … Read more

Include elements of more than one of the educational philosophies

 Philosophy Of Education Our Philosophy of Education Your educational philosophy will evolve and develop as you gain more experience in the classroom. Professionals are able to articulate what they’re doing and why. Read the article Developing A Teaching Philosophy by clicking (Links to an external site.)pdf First, every teacher’s philosophy is evolving and dynamic … Read more

ITS-537 Week 2 – Info Tech & Mobile Application

Info Tech & Mobile Application This post has 2 assignment. that is one research paper and project. Please provide answer separately. Assignment 1: Research Paper: Good vs Great websites Think about the last time you utilized a mobile application or attempted to build your mobile website. What planning process did you go through before you … Read more

WK 7 Discussion Personality Theory

Choose at least two (2) different theoretical perspectives that have been covered in this course and discuss how the cultural, societal, and historical contexts within which the theories are derived have influenced their major tenets and framework. Kelland, M. (2017, July 07). Personality Theory. OER Commons. Retrieved October 15, 2024, from    

Research and discuss two benefits that students would gain from the increased involvement of diverse parent and community groups in schools. Support your points with at least one piece of scholarly research.

Parents and other diverse community stakeholders have a significant impact not only on a school’s culture but on the academic performance of students within the school. Research and discuss two benefits that students would gain from the increased involvement of diverse parent and community groups in schools. Support your points with at least one piece … Read more

Exercise Module 3-Leadership

Leadership Answer the following questions in detail using YOUR OWN WORDS with complete sentences. Double-space your assignment using Times New Roman 12 font. Follow the rubric. Reference your additional sources used. 1) Many people have asked the question “Isn’t office politics just for incompetents?” What is your answer to this question? 2) Explain the following … Read more

Review “Module A” from your textbook readings. Identify two significant international institutions in which the country participates and describe the effect on the country.

Select one country to analyze (excluding the United States). Reference the “World Regions and Countries” document, located in the Topic 2 Resources, for guidance on the various regions in the world and the designated countries within each region. Using the globalEDGE website, provided in Class Resources, navigate to the Global Insights dropdown and select By … Read more