Demonstrate personal accountability and effective work habits (e.g., punctuality, working productively with others, and time workload management), and understand the impact of nonverbal communication on professional work image.

Page 213 of our textbook lists “Seven ‘Must Have’ Career Competencies.” You are in charge of hiring for your department and must select a pool of candidates to interview. In your opinion, which two (of the seven) competencies are the most crucial for your future employee to possess? Why? Seven “Must Have” Career Competencies: The … Read more

Choose a company that reflects your technology or industry sector interests. It can be US or international.

Before making any investments, investors at venture capital firms write an investment committee memorandum (aka IC Memo or Investment Memo) to make a case for a company they want the firm to invest in. With this exercise, you will be required to pick an early-stage company of your choice (which was provided above) and write … Read more

Select a piece of art (music, painting, poem, movie, etc) to support the topic for the week. Read and respond to 2 of your fellow student’s posts.

In the next few days, look through newspapers (online or print), magazines, or newscasts for reports of psychological research. Apply the guidelines of being a wise consumer of the information from this weeks module to these media reports. Then select a piece of art (music, painting, poem, movie, etc) to support the topic for the … Read more

Discuss any unique insight or perspective offered from the literature. Provide speaker notes.

Title Slide Introduction (1 slide): Slide should identify concepts to be addressed and sections of the presentation. Include speaker’s notes that explain, in more detail, what will be covered. Practice Issue (1-3 slides): Describe the area of interest and practice issue/problem related to NP practice selected in week 2. Explain why the issue/concern is important … Read more

Reflect on the following Scripture, which shares God’s words to Joshua as he was about to take on leadership of the nation of Israel as it attempted to move into the land God promised them. What does this Scripture mean to you at this point in your life?

Your initial post must include at least one (1) passage of scripture, properly cited according to current APA style guidelines. Your initial post must also include at least one (1) scholarly source (book or peer-reviewed journal article), properly cited and listed according to current APA style guidelines. Give a suitable caption for the discussion References … Read more

How comfortable do you think you would be using some of the experiments described in this chapter? Do you think it is important that you experience these experiments first as a client before you attempt to use them with others?

Theories of Psychotherapy and Counseling Gestalt Therapy 1. Although challenging clients can be done in a gentle way with care, respect, and sensitivity, there are also some risks in challenging a client too soon. What could you do to assess a client’s readiness to participate in some challenging experiments? 2. How comfortable do you think … Read more

How do you navigate the balance between adhering to professional ethics and state regulations while ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of your clients?

MODULE 8 – Ethics & State Law, Privacy & Confidentiality In MODULE 8, we explored critical issues related to ethics, state law, privacy, and confidentiality through a range of readings and multimedia resources. Reflect on how these topics intersect with your personal and professional experiences, particularly within the context of your site or clinical/counseling practice. … Read more