Nursing Question-write one paragraph discussing each article you selected including the purpose of the study


A three-to-five-page paper in APA 7th edition format with references.
Assignment: For this assignment, you will develop a 3-5-page paper (not including title and references pages) with key findings from the articles and topic used in Week 6.
You will conclude with a recommendation for a clinical research question, and methodology that will address the problem specifically for your practice setting.

Your paper should include:
Introduction – describe the nursing problem including the problem, patient/staff population, and workplace setting
Key Findings – Discuss the key findings from the four articles you selected in Week 6. For this section, you want to talk about what the common themes were across all the articles and use multiple works citations. This should be 1-2 paragraphs in total.
Literature Review – write one paragraph discussing each article you selected including the purpose of the study, the type of methodology used (qualitative or quantitative), your assessment of the information (was the study credible? Why or why not), and how this applies to your setting.
Recommendations – Write a PICO question using this format:
P – state the population
I – state the intervention
C- comparison
O – outcome

Then list your full question written out below this format. In one paragraph, explain what you would suggest for research to address the question, such as qualitative or quantitative investigation to determine the effectiveness of the intervention. Include an explanation in a few sentences as to why you are suggesting the approach.
You may find this information helpful in developing your assignment: Using Research Information Professionally
Use APA 7th edition format for the paper. Reference the articles and any other sources used.

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