In what ways do interactive educational games designed for vocabulary and comprehension enhance fourth-grade students’ reading fluency and writing skills over a four-week period?

Research question : In what ways do interactive educational games designed for vocabulary and comprehension enhance fourth-grade students’ reading fluency and writing skills over a four-week period?

Grade : 4 , students
age: between 9-10 years
School name: SSS primary school for girls
Subject : English in education

The problem : I noticed that my class grade 4 are very low in reading and spelling vocabulary and also in writing , most of my students are from Levant, Pakistan, and Egypt, I want to do an action research using interactive educational games to increase their level in a 4 week period of time.

Include this in action research paper:
2- introduction
3-Research goal
4- Research question (My question)
5-significance of the study
6-Domain of the study
7- Definition of key term
8-Contextual background
9-Literature review
10-Research methodology
11- Results
13- conclusion
14-Reference ( not less than 6 reference and it should be all New not under 2018)

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