Write a research-based essay in current APA format that focuses on the integration of faith and leading change.

Your bibliographic summary is designed to familiarize you with the first step of research –the conduct of literature reviews. The literature review is Chapter 2 of your Thesis or Internship Report. Make sure you apply an appropriate research documentation style (preferably APA, but MLA, Chicago acceptable). The final bibliographic summary will contain the 7 abstracts of the literature you identify per your selected topic. A 3 page synthesis (summary) of what you have learned from scouring the literature will precede the presentation of your abstracts. An example of an appropriate abstract is shown below in APA style.Your sources should be scholarly, including no newspapers or weekly popular or trade magazines.

Down, Anthony. (2004). Still Stuck in Traffic. Brookings Institution Press, Washington, D.C.
If there were a second line, it would be indented 5 spaces
Traffic is a major concern in cities across America. In this work, Downs theorizes that traffic
congestion has four principal causes. He writes that congestion will not adequately be solved because
elected officials will not make the difficult changes required to fully alleviate congestion. He argues
from an economic perspective that traffic congestion is largely a matter of supply and demand
imbalance. One option would be to properly price the cost of driving, which would serve to diminish demand. Downs does not believe any of the current responses can be effective. He suggests thatneither politicians, nor the public have the will to alleviate traffic congestion. It will always be with us.

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