Where does your reflection indicate personal growth as a leader? What strategies or action plans might be developed in the near future for personal development?

The objective of this assignment is for you to integrate what you have learned about communication, leadership, and your repertoire of communication skills over the course of study. The process involves reflecting on what you have read, the Leadership Self-Assessment Quizzes you have taken, and your experiences as a member of one or more organizations. After reflecting on the readings, quizzes, and your experiences,

write a 7-9 page paper that offers an organized, personalized reflection on what you have learned about leadership and communication. This assignment should not be about confirming self-perceptions of your leadership skills but about discovering self-insights and seeing ways to develop higher level cognitive skills for leadership.
1. Read Chapter 15 before completing this assignment.
2. Construct an appendix of the scores and results of the Leadership Self Assessment Quizzes you selected to report. Forty possible quizzes and exercises were available in the textbook. For this final paper, report a minimum of 20 out of the 40 possible quizzes and exercises that were in the text. (You may report all of the quizzes and exercises if you wish.) Place the report of the results from the 20 quizzes and exercises at the end of the paper as an appendix. Note: the appendix does not count as part of the 7-9 page reflection. So if the appendix containing the results of the self-assessments is 1.5 pages in length and your discussion of the results that composed your reflection was 8.5 pages in length, the total length of your completed assignment—the reflection and appendix—would be 10 pages.
2. After you have completed the report of a minimum of 20 of the leadership quizzes and exercises, reflect on what you have learned over the course of study. Identify some important priorities for discussion. In what ways have the quizzes and exercises helped you to identify your strengths/weaknesses, skill resources/limitations? What have you learned over the last few weeks about communication and leadership? In answering these questions, integrate the quizzes and exercises with the readings and your thoughts about communication and leadership. Justify the selection of topics, self-assessments, and exercises on which you choose to reflect. You only have 7-9 pages so you will need to develop some priorities for discussion. Look for ways to organize the discussion and the results of the quizzes and readings from the textbook.
3. After reflecting, write your paper. Discuss a minimum of 8 quizzes/exercises representing the material from at least 4 chapters. You can discuss more than the minimum number of quizzes/exercises and chapters. You may combine the discussion of more specific topics under more abstract themes. The paper should be organized, personalized, and reflective regarding the subject matter of the readings, the quizzes and exercises, and your experiences. Clearly identify the quizzes and exercises that you are discussing as well as the source chapter. What do you take away from the course that will be of use to you in your future endeavors as a leader?
Grading Criteria
Objective Standards
Does the appendix report the scores/results of 20 or more leadership self-assessment quizzes and exercises?
Does the paper discuss a minimum of 8 leadership self-assessment quizzes and exercises?
Do the leadership assessment quizzes and exercises discussed in the paper represent material from a minimum of 4 chapters from the textbook?
Does the paper meet the expectations for length (7-9 pages of reflection, typed double space) featuring college standards for writing?
Quality Standards
Organization. Is the reflection organized? Can the reader discern a coherent discussion organized around a theme or a number of clearly identified reflections constituting the subject matter of the final paper?

Is the reflection personalized? Does it reveal the student’s unique, subjective process of constructing an understanding of the 8 week course experience of reading the textbook, taking the leadership self-assessment quizzes and exercises, reflecting on his/her experiences, and anticipation of future leadership endeavors? Does the paper offer a reflection that is introspective, disclosive, and combines a degree of affective learning with a sensitive application of one’s intellect to consider the impact of the material on one’s life and role as a leader?
Justification. Is the selection of leadership topics and self-assessments for discussion justified? Do you go beyond reporting the first eight assessments completed from the first four chapters? Do you give reasons for the focus and subject matter of the reflection? To what extent is your reflection purposeful?

What theme of personal development guides your selection of self-assessments on which to reflect?
Implications. Does the paper go beyond reporting the results of the self-assessments to discuss the implications of the results? Does the paper offer an in-depth exploration of how the student can refine his/her communication practices as a leader? To what extent does your paper demonstrate personal growth? Where does your reflection indicate personal growth as a leader? What strategies or action plans might be developed in the near future for personal development?

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